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Colette Hawley

Piano Bar Entertainer and Cabaret Singer

Award winning New York City piano bar Entertainer -& Cabaret Singer


Of all the professional performing jobs I had while living in NYC- from concerts, musicals, appearances on Comedy Central, VH1, MTV and Bravo, National commercials and a network Soap Opera- my very favorite job was working as a singer at the world famous NYC piano bar; Don't Tell Mama. Every night was a party. Every night was different, as I based what I sang and the stories I told specifically on that crowd. That mix of incredible singing, along with uncontrollable belly laughs is what I bring to each event. I have been endorsed by countless network executives and also by such diverse super fans as Mark Cuban ( Shark Tank) and Joshua Bell( multi Grammy award winning violinist). Since I began performing for the senior population 3 years ago, I have been asked back by every single client. 100%.


Phone:              917-509-7370 
Social Media:

Approximate cost range: $200 to $500 Estimate is given based on the size and location of event.

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